I thought for today we might all discuss a little about how we each view the hobby.
What do you look for in a game?
Specifically, what in a project makes you stop and take notice? Is it the back story? Is it a games competitive arena? The sculpts themselves? A certain genre?

For myself, I like things epic in scope. This means not only larger forces clashing on the field, but that those forces stand for something. Or, at least, feel that they do. A game can be seven flavors of bad guys, but each one of those forces needs to inherently believe they're doing it for the right reasons.

Model quality is often important to me as well- I enjoy the immersion in the game, and high quality models lead to greater immersion. That being said, one of my favorite games ever was Belgarath97 and I play testing a concept in development using nothing but scraps of paper as markers.
So, what's your story? What drives your hobby? I'd like to know.
It's always the back story for me. If I can get into the story of the little models I'm pushing around the table, then I will have a good time. I usually chose my factions/armies based on story too.