Monday, March 25, 2013

Spinespur Kickstarter Contest!

Thug blister pack (4 models)
     Okay ladies and gents, time for our first official Contest! For this one, we've teamed up with Bob Mervine of Comfy Chair Games to bring you an awesome opportunity- 8 painted thugs and 2 big characters!!!

     You heard right! To help support the kickstarter in it's final two weeks, I will be painting up 2 full blisters of thugs, the Cerebeast, and the Grave Golem! That's a painted two-player game right there! Over $70 worth of models, and all painted up nicely to boot! Here's all you need to do to qualify for the contest:

  1. Pledge your support of the Kickstarter in an amount of at least $65.
  2. Make a post on this thread saying what name you pledged under in the Kickstarter. (This will allow Bob to verify all the entries maintained a minimum $65 pledge in the Kickstarter.)

     Sound simple? That's because it is!!! 

Grave Golem & Caretaker
     Once the kickstarter is finished, we will draw the lucky winner and announce it here on the LXG Blog. If you've already backed the kickstarter for a pledge higher than $65, you're halfway there- comment below to let us know who you are! If you have a pledge of under $65, all you need to do is bump it up. Remember, if the Kickstarter hits the $13K mark that pledge also gets you a free model! So let's get some pledges shuffled up, and make this thing happen!

     Official Disclaimer: Belgarath97, The Second Class Elitist, and employees of Comfy Chair Games (collectively referred to as "Principles") are ineligible. Those sharing a residence with the Principles are ineligible. Neither LXG nor Comfy Chair Games are responsible for any injury, illness, pain or suffering on the part of contestants caused by this contest. LXG and Comfy Chair Games reserve the right to disqualify any contestant at their discretion. No parties living, dead, or undead were injured in the making of this contest.  


  1. Kevin Cole

    Thanks for making an already amazing kickstarter even better!

    1. Just doing our part. Keep an eye out for followup articles, I'm going to be asking for painting "suggestions" for them. Check out for an idea of what the painted figs will be in the quality range of.

  2. Wow, that's really generous.
    Christopher Cobb

    1. Bob put up the models, we're just putting up the brush time. If it gets a few more people pledging or bumping up to the $65 mark, it's good for everybody!

  3. RobH:
    This is a great idea, well done and thanks to both Bob M and yourself. I hope it draws a few more pledges in, Spinespur really deserves to succeed.

    1. That's what I was hoping for- getting a few more pledgers in, a few bumped up to $65, and a more publicity for the game.

      Good for Bob and Comfy- more money in the door.
      Good for LXG- more readers.
      Good for every pledger- more pledgers means more likely to get games in.

      Everyone wins.

  4. Brian Fowler

    I am really eager to get a hold of the minis; it's not often that someone puts out something truly different.

    1. Glad you like it! We thought it was rather unique and we hope to do other different contests here and on our Facebook page, so stay tuned.

  5. Patrick McEachen

    More Spinespur stuff is always cool!

  6. I am so glad I stumbled upon this Kickstarter. It's the game I think I've been looking for for years :)

    Tim Stiles

  7. this is mental. lets do this. Glen Green

  8. Glad to see others as excited by this move for Spinespur as I am. I'm pledged as Christopher Sheets.

  9. Very awesome! I am pledged as Timothy Wolford.

  10. Steven Milkowski... I pledged!

  11. I've pledged to support this awesome project...Ken Thronberry aka "Professor"

  12. Been liking it since i first saw it.

    John Burkett

  13. Spinespurian from the Start, and happy to see that Merv get so much help from different sides because he totally deserves it for this wonderful game.

    Can't wait to get my hands on all those new models


  14. Chris Smit (aka Braxandur)

    Never tried the game, but interested in seeing how it works :)

  15. GALLERNE Jonathan

    Love the Spinespur models!

  16. Rob Didur.

    Can always use more SS models :)

  17. I've successfully funded a small independent game using kickstarter, It is such a great tool for people who don't have the ability to secure financing in the traditional way. Overall it has been a great help in the product development process.

  18. B097C0A727TylerE53E51901COctober 11, 2024 at 8:46 PM

    sanal show
