Sunday, November 29, 2015

Post-Octopalypse- The Grand Finale!!!

   I know, you thought my last post was the Grand Finale. But this is the GRAND Grand Finale. It turns out, both Second Class Elitist and myself had off yesterday...

   Let's back up a couple days, to Thursday. Perusing the "This is Not a Test" rulebook, 2CE was taking note of how many wonderful living hazards there are in the game. You have already met my rad rats. They were the first ones we got, because they are official TNT models, and I had really liked them from day one. But there are over a dozen living hazards in TNT, so into the Bones tote we dove, looking for things we could use to represent all of them, as well as trying to clear out the Bones tote to make way for new Bones- after all, this stuff was all form Bones II, and our stuff from Bones III is still coming- we did NOT want that to turn into two Bones totes. The Mountain of Metal challenge may be almost over, but it's spirit lives on.
   It also occurred to me that we had so much old metal Malifaux and other good stuff just sitting in our backlogs, there just had to be something good in there. So into those totes we dove as well, and had a field day picking some interesting representations for radiated critters. By the time we were done, we had a big ol' blister pack filled with models we wanted to use as "terrain". Then, when we met up Saturday, I had an epiphany. "You know," I said, "Most of these could really be done well enough with a one or two color basecoat and a wash..." So we set about trying to empty it again. We got really close!!!

   So here they are. We still have a few that need more complex assembly or paint jobs that are not represented here, and a few more that we know are things we have on order. But most of the living hazards are here: Giant Fire Ants, Giant Spiders, Trogs, Toxic Plague Carriers, Bears, Great Cats, Giant Ticks, Toxic Slimes, and a couple more that we finished after we did the photo shoot, because we just couldn't stop!

   So consider this our conclusion to the Post-Octopalypse challenge. 2CE did up 17 models yesterday, and I completed 12, bringing the club total for the month of November, and the Post-Octopalypse, to a whopping 50. (And, of course, the way we count points, the number was even higher for our painting board.) As for the Mountain of Metal Challenge, not only did we actually remove models from the "To-Do" model count and add them to the terrain count, but we figured this last painting bash covers any miscellaneous things we might have grabbed along the way. Personally, I eventually found it very hard to keep track of that challenge. Six months is a long time, and since we buy most things via Kickstarters, it was really confusing. It's hard to keep track of things that aren't in your possession. I'm pretty sure my model count went down. I know my "Done" count went up, anyway. And, truth be told, the next 4 months are my most productive of the year- the time of year when all my other hobbies are on hiatus, and I get to chill out and do little other than paint during my weekends and evenings after my day job. So stay tuned for even more painting shenanigans! I'm pretty sure December's theme is going to be "finish shit you started." ::lol::



  1. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

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