Ok, most of you probably know by now that we have a "painting board" at LXG Headquarters. For those of you who haven't seen it, it is, quite simply, a dry erase board with a spreadsheet containing the members of our club, and the models we own for each game that need to be painted. The numbers are points which are allocated as follows, quoting Second Class Elitist (2CE) from his
New Year's Eve Resolutions article: "Our points system is based on model base size: 25mm/30mm is 1, 40mm or cavalry is 2, 50mm is 4, and vehicles are 10. Terrain is based on similar numbers, but with a lot more leeway to trying to figure them out."
Since 2CE brought up New Year's Hobby Resolutions, and he and I both made painting related ones, I think it's high time we enforced some culpability on this painting board by letting you, our readers, periodically see our progress. To that end, I am showing you the Painting Board as it stood at midnight, December 31st, 2014. I will then introduce to you any changes we are making to the painting board for 2015, and try to post an update article periodically to let you know how things are progressing.