Friday, June 26, 2015

One More for the Cabinet! Atomic Punks by Bombshell Miniatures

   Bombshell Miniatures, as its name suggests, has tons of awesome female miniatures. They have, in fact, an entire page on their webshop just called "Babes." But if you think there's just a bunch of scantily clad, character-less bimbos in there, I hate to disappoint you. You're way off. The bombshell babes are the most diverse set of female sculptures I've ever seen in one place. Sure, there are some bodacious beauties in there, and they are all beautiful in some way, but you've got choices, my friend. You want modern,  futuristic, or fantasy? Check. You want strong women in full armor or formidable action poses? You got 'em. Astronaut, pirate, ogress, robot? All in there. If you can't find a female mini on Bombshell's website that you like, you probably don't like female miniatures.
   The only tough question is, with so many awesome minis, which one do you pick when you want a model just 'cause?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day from The Sunday News!

Happy Father's Day from LXG!  If you're looking for the newest news in the Wargaming scene- as well as a special Father's Day sale- this is the place!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

6MMRPC Belgarath's Malifaux Viktoria's Warband

Surprise! Yep I didn't go with anything 2CE suggested. Those of you who have followed me rantings, know that I don't particularly enjoy painting. So entering a painting challenge such as this helps motivate me to get them done. But my first project has to be something I feel compelled to paint. 2CE talks about a mini telling him when it's done, and I agree with him and model let's you know how it wants to be painted. So while I was looking through the mountain I found myself called to paint Viktoria and her crew.  It is the box set with one substitution.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

WIPWednesday 6MMRPC update

So, since I couldn't figure out how to incorporate more hashtags into a single article, here's a #6MMRPC #WIPWednesday update for all your #Warmongers out there!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Building a Buggie for Devil's Run- a 6MMRPC article

There's been a lot of questions about how to convert some buggies small enough to be 3.5cm (1 1/4") for Devil's Run: Route 666.  Since my second group of 6MMRPC models are for Devil's Run, it seemed like the perfect time to do a conversion how-to article.  So here's a little how to using a Hotwheels Go Kart.  However, rather than doing this as a normal conversion job, I'll give the reigns over to the owner of the Muscle Jackhammer Chop Shop, Jackhammer himself.

Monday, June 15, 2015

TokenGamerChic adds to the Mountain of Models!

Having seen all the enthusiasm from Ali and 2CE about the Mountain of Metal Challenge, TokenGamerChic has decided to toss her paint brush in the ring!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Art of War – a Talented team Forges the World of Isbran in Norsgard- New Game, New Correspondent!

Hello fellow wargamers, we are fortunate enough to have a new correspondent today, who's going to be filling you in on a new game we were all excited about- Norsgard. Without further ado, here's Shrapnelsmile to give you the rundown!

The Art of War – a Talented team Forges the World of Isbran.
Interview with Pawel  Żuchowsk, creator of Norsgard.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6MMRPC: Ali Project #1- Clean-up from painting week

   Having just finished Painting Week, I decided the best thing to do for my first project for the Mountain of Metal Painting challenge is to clean up all those little miscellaneous models that I didn't finish during that Paintcation. The individual Pulp City models, the little bits of terrain I didn't quite finish, the individual models or last ones in a set that I didn't get through or found on my project shelf after the week was over- they are all taking up space needlessly, keeping me from getting to my teams and gribblies. So here we go:

Monday, June 8, 2015

6MMRPC: Tigers by the tail

So, for those who missed the announcement, LXG will be taking place in the Six Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge, or 6MMRPC.  My first up to bat were a group of Tiger I E tanks for my Flames of War Late German Eastern Front force.  Let's see how I did!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6MMRPC video, from Neuicon of CPOP

The man, the myth, the living legend NEUICON of Crushpop Productions has the 6MMRPC bug, and wants to jump in the challenge.  Problem is, he doesn't run a blog anymore- just a few vlog and audio channels.  What's a man to do?  You call on your friends- and LXG is more than happy to help!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

LXG takes on the Mountain (of Metal)!

 Oh sweet heavens, no, not that one!  No no no.  The League of Extraordinary Gamers will be tackling the 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge along with a bunch of other talented hobby bloggers.  What is the 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge?  Read on fellow addicts with full closets and garages of unpainted figures, and join along in the fun!