Monday, August 31, 2015

Zombie of the Month August 2015- The Lovely Ladies of Malifaux, Part Two: Rotten Belles (metal edition)

Good evening everyone.  Ali is a bit busy making new friends this month, so I stepped in to try to raise up an article for her.  Our zombie of the Month this time around is a part two of an eventual four parter starring the Lovely Dead Ladies of Malifaux.  This one is the Rotten Belles edition.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ali's Massive Post-Surgery 6MMRPC Update

Hello all!

   Well, I wouldn't say I'm completely recovered from the surgery, since I still have two holes in my mouth and can't eat anything crunchy. On the other hand, I have some lovely new cadaver bone in my jaw, and what better for a zombie master? Thanks for all your support while I was out. As you can see, I did finish my super secret Zombie of the Month project. If you read the article you will know that joker was, of course, immediately exchanged for another set of zombies.
   In addition, I was successful in completing the two massive terrain projects that I was working on while I was sick. If you watched our Sunday news this week, you will have seen them taking up the entire table. If not, well, here they are!