All right, folks, nothing unpredictable this week. I was able to finish two more zombies from the Malifaux Mindless Zombies set. These are both awesome characters- one obviously working the railroad or something and a girl that had a nasty run-in with an archer. I decided to start playing around with skintones. After all, what better time to experiment than on a couple of random zombies. And besides, Second Class Elitist loves layered washes and paint schemes, so I figured they'd go well with the Resurrectionist force he's making.
So, for the girl, I went with a mix of blue and skintone paints, washed over with a wash of equal parts Army Painter Green Tone and Strong Tone, for that fetid remains look.
The guy is using that obnoxiously pink Army Painter Barbarian Flesh, washed over with the Green Tone and THEN the Strong Tone, to give a two layered toning effect.
Stay tuned next week, when I promise you some Pulp City, and possibly a Malifaux Substitute. I'm almost done with the Mindless Zombies box, anyhow. Don't worry, they will all come back for their own Zombie of the month article.