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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

LXG takes on the Mountain (of Metal)!

 Oh sweet heavens, no, not that one!  No no no.  The League of Extraordinary Gamers will be tackling the 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge along with a bunch of other talented hobby bloggers.  What is the 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge?  Read on fellow addicts with full closets and garages of unpainted figures, and join along in the fun!

The 6 Month Mountain Reduction Painting Challenge (also known as the 6MMRPC because abbreviations are better than big words) is a challenge designed to help you reduce your backlog of unpainted miniatures, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to have more forces painted and playable for you games of choice.  The rules are simple, and posted on the Spiderweb of History blog.

1. No purchasing of new miniatures, EXCEPT if you use a joker. You get three jokers to use on a figure purchase. Could be a blister pack, an ebay bundle, or a single can't splurge. The only exception to this rule is if you need bitz or A FIGURE (Singular) to complete a unit/warband etc.

1.1 - There is an opportunity to "earn" additional jokers. If you complete an entire project (whole unit/army/warband etc.) with pictures of starting, work-in-progress and completion, you earn yourself an additional Joker.

2. Gifts do not count against your Joker allowance - Holidays, birthdays etc. Also, if you're given gift cards by your hobby illiterate family or friends, you can without penalty use them on anything you want miniatures wise.

3. Paints, terrain (or materials), and other hobby supplies do not apply to the no purchasing rule.

4. At least one hobby related blog post and/or Instagram update a week. If you Instagram, be sure to hashtag your pic with #6MMRPC

5. Zomtober will be part of the 6 month challenge so, Zombie related stuff (or other horror-related stuff!) during October is encouraged. Other theme suggestions are welcomed.

6. Anyone that wants to submit a before and after picture of a miniature that they are proud of completing during the course of the challenge to will be entered into the running for a gift certificate to a online wargaming store of their choice. Judging will be by an un-biased person. Amount on the gift certificate will be dictated by winners nationality but should work out to about $30 U.S. - this is a kind addition by Dave fromSpiderweb of History.

Simple, right?  Well, in case you missed it, LXG just finished a massive Painting Week, we've already broken ground on the mountain a bit.  Not that there isn't a bunch left to do, just that the first half dozen jokers just got removed from the table.  So, now we need to dig deep to try to get more points.  What does everyone have planned?

Ali Alcatraz will be posting her own article, but (spoiler alert) there will be zombies.  Also some Pulp City Models.  Which may include zombies.

Belgarath97 has a bunch of projects on the table, from his Flames of War Russian Infantry army (why does a man who hates painting choose infantry over tanks???) his Pulp City,a pair of ArcWorlde factions, and probably a WZR Brotherhood force to paint.

Merek just finished all his Pulp and FoW, so aside from some WZR Imperial I'm not sure what he has left on the workbench- but we'll try to squeeze something out of him regardless.

Second Class Elitist has a bunch of FoW Germans, a Counterblast Lancer faction, and a couple Pulp City factions ready to go, so expect some projects coming form him in the near future.

Token Gamer Chic may even put up a piece or two, as she has a Monktopus and her Pulp City ARC to paint, along with a few more dragons.

Additionally, Neuicon (of CPOP fame) will be allowing us to post his 6MMRC videos on our page as he isn't running a blog right now- how cool, huh!

And it's not just us! The list of sites participating this year is pretty intense. You can watch the blogroll of them right here, as well as check in with each of these fine blogs independantly (Card Subject to Change):

Flames of NerdTactical CraftSpider Web of History
The Mad Tin Hatter
Hall of Legends20mm and Then Some…CheaphammerTower of the ArchmagePimp My Pewter
Saturday Mornings
Shiny Penny Musings

So... on with the show! More to come right around the corner- it's time to score some Jokers!

Heath, Ledger, Joker, Batman, The Dark Knight, Dark, Male Celebrities, Wallpaper


  1. Glad to hear you decided to jump in as well.
    I'm busy painting for my first week post :-).

  2. Good luck guys! Looking forward to seeing these various projects take shape!

    1. You and me both! And can't wait to see what you put on your self as well!

  3. Welcome Aboard!

  4. Just added you to the blogroll. Sorry for the delay, it's getting a bit hard to track who is added already with all the new blood. Welcome!

  5. No worries. Better late than never! There will be plenty more coming to be sure!

  6. One blog with a bunch of bloggers! Hey why didn't I think of that?! Welcome aboard folks!

    1. Well, we're all in the same club, so it just makes it easier for everyone. The blog belongs to the Club, and we're all members. :-)

  7. I hope backing Kickstarter miniature projects is also an exemption to the rule of "no purchases", because Bones 3 (and who knows what else) is coming up! I mean, the figures won't be delivered during the 6 months so it doesn't count, right? ;-)

    1. I think it's a bit of a gray area. Some people count it and some don't. You don't get to buy just have to consume your jokers.

    2. That seems fair, especially with the exemption for items required to complete a unit, etc. The point of the challenge *is* to reduce the mountain o' minis, after all!
