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Friday, October 3, 2014

From Box to Table: Warzone Resurrection Imperial Starter Box

Hello readers! I want to try a new regular article, highlighting new and current releases for some of our favorite games. So, join me on a brand new trip, and tell me what you think!

Okay, so...why not just a regular unboxing article? To be perfectly honest, it's because GMort covers most of the same games we do, and his Unboxed series is just too good to try to follow. Seriously, go read them. Specifically for Warzone, Johan also does an amazing job with unboxings on his blog as well. Instead, I wanted to take a slightly different track, and discuss models going literally from sprue to table ready. 

Today we're going to look at the Imperial Starter Box for Warzone:Resurrection, from Prodos Games. It's a dandy of a box, giving you ten Trenchers, two officer models (that can be fielded either as upgraded Sergeants, Lords, or Warlords), and the Greyhound light tracked vehicle. The most limited model of the group for standard missons would be the Greyhound, which can be in units of three, so up to three boxes is a solid value.

The Trenchers in the kit I'm painting (five of the ten, anyway) were the last models to come out of their mold. How do I know? I had to pick pieces of the mold out of them to clean them. However, that means reasonably they were a "worst case scenario" as far as quality, and with just a little cleaning they were good to go. (Before anyone asks, Prodos would certainly have replaced the parts in question, but these were a commission job and my client didn't wanted me to go ahead as planned, replacing any models too badly scarred at a later date.)

As you can see, all the models are basically a three part assembly: body, backpack, and weapon arm(s). I'm not sure if the arms are interchageable to the bodies or not. They seemed to have a "preferred torso" to sit on, but that easily could have been a minimal amount of warp in the resin as well. Regardless, I'm certain a little bending and they would be interchangeable. 

Painting tips: while I'm generally a "fully assemble before painting" guy, there's a couple of exceptions here. First is the turret of the Greyhound. There's a lot of opportunity for detailing on his chest and console if you paint them then assemble. Secondly, the back of the helmets are a little tricky to paint the underside of with the backpacks attached. YMMV on that one based on how technical you get with your painting, but it's worth mentioning.

My client wanted these guys painted to the classic paintschemes, and I couldn't agree more- the models look geat in original colors. The brown is layered using Vallejo Model Color Flat Brown in increasing ratios (1:0, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 0:1) with Army Painter Monster Brown. Greys are Army Painter Uniform Grey, washed with Army Painter Strong Wash, and then very thinned layers of Uniform to slowly bring it back up. The green is another layered in ratio of Knarloc Green and Vallejo Intermediate Green. The metals of the guns are Vallejo Natural Steel washed with Army Painter Strong Wash.  

Normally I'd say a model isn't painted until its base is done, but in this case the client wanted to paint the bases himself to match his tables, so these are going to hit the table in the "Beautifully unpainted" category. Also, there are a few final touches that aren't completed yet- namely the insignia on the shoulders.  I apparently ran out of white paint at the most inopportune time, but didn't want to make this article wait until after the weekend's over when I have a chance to get more. 

All in all, these models were a blast. Incredibly easy assembly. Really great detail and depth, and remember that was with a bit of "last pour" in there to boot. The dyamic poses are perfectly reminiscent of the game's graphic roots. The dynamic fluid poses took to paint and shading really well. I could see some great opportunities for alternate paintschemes if you wanted something less Doughboy, such as Martian Reds or camo patterns. Also, if they had been mine, I might have painted the knee cops and greaves in the grey metal colors, or perhaps changed all the metals to an actual metallic. A lot of options for unique painting there.

So, what do you think? Questions, comments, and suggestions welcome below! 

I'll see you on the other side of the table,
The Second Class Elitist

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