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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tablescapes has 160K in the bag

Something happened today, in case you didn't know.  Secret Weapon's Tablescapes hit the 160k mark.  Why is this important, you ask.  Well it means that they reached the next stretch goal.  They have finally unlocked the entire "urban street" theme.  To go with this great news, I have some nice pictures to show you of what they have for the theme.

So this guy here is a gate.  Not flashy by itself, I know.  But the importance of this gate is that it goes with the urban walls set from before.  Now we can make a full on urban barricade and outpost. All you have to do is add a bunch of the guys below and, viola, instant outpost.  Also down below, is an alternate version of the gate.  If urban terrain is your thing, these were made for you.

There are some great things coming out to go with this theme and I for one am excited.

So to recap, you can now get a table in clean, damaged, or mixed "urban streets".  Secret Weapon is working on a full set of urban walls with gates to allow us to create urban outposts.  They are working on an entire set of scatter terrain to fit the theme (picture below).  And SW is working on basses to match.
 So what else could they do?  How about giving a 20% discount on anything in their current catalog that you order as an add-on for the Kickstarter.  But Belgarath97, what could I want from their current range?  I hear you ask.  Well let me show you, how about some k rails for your urban table.

Or perhaps you are getting a "scrap yard" table.  So maybe so barricades and a destroyed tank would fit better.  Like these:

Ok so now you know why today was an exciting day for the Tablescapes project.  They unlocked the last of the urban tiles, and announce a 20% discount on their current range.  Next up, another 8 tile theme.  Rolling fields.  Which has an in-bedded stream..  Below is a concept picture of the set on a 4'x8' table, and all I can say is "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"  Until next time...


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