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Friday, April 26, 2013

PoweredPlay Gaming says "Let there be kits"

PoweredPlay GamingWhile searching for something new and cool in my hobby I was turned on to this Kickstarter.  PoweredPlay Gaming is bringing hobby conversion to a whole new level.  Ever wondered what the running lights on your tanks look like?  How about the lasers on your shiny new flying machine of death? For most of us the electrical knowledge to realize those visions is beyond us.  So PoweredPlay Gaming has taken that hurdle away and designed an easy to use kit to add lighting to our models.

Normally we would overload the blog with pictures of just how cool  this product is.  Unfortunately due to some recent legal wrangling we can’t.  However the images are striking and I suggest you look at them.

This video sold me on the project, the amount of conversion idea showcased here simply floored me.  I almost thought about buying another army just to be able to use these kits.

Lighted claws

This picture is stunning.  I want an army of these just so I can light them all up.

Lit vehicles in army

This video showcases how these kits can be uses throughout an army.  Great inspiration video of all of us.

What comes in a kit

A quick video to clarify what comes in the kit, so that we all can make an informed decision.

If you have looked at the above pictures and videos, you can see how cool these lighting kits are.  To make these a reality is not a huge stretch.  As of this writing they needed a little over 26k.  Certainly a doable amount, however not unless you, like me, decide this project is worth backing and making a reality.  And if this project gets the money it needs, they are on the verge of announcing some great retailing partnerships.  So if you want your models to look as cool as the ones in the picture, jump over there and give a pledge.  Until next time…


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